Annual AC Services in Cooper City

It’s quite amazing that very few Cooper City property owners have their HVAC units professionally inspected annually. This is something that simply should be done in order to keep the air conditioner running properly and efficiently.

AC Repairs Nightmare

Every year, we have a huge family reunion at my house in Pembroke Pines. I really don’t mind, especially since everybody brings their own dish to share. Even the out of town family members call local restaurants and catering companies so they can participate with the food equally.

AC Replacements in Fort Lauderdale

Last year, my business partner and I purchased a really cool property near the water in Fort Lauderdale Florida. It was a foreclosure, so it was obvious that we needed to put a lot of work into the property before we would be able to put it back on the market.

3 Tips for a More Efficient AC Unit

The cost of electricity in Hollywood just keeps getting higher and higher everytime the mail carrier drops the FPL bill in the mailbox. Although cooler weather will be here in a few months, most of us still use their air conditioners to keep the house comfortable.

AC Replacement Service Technicians in Plantation

When a person buys a new Plantation home, they generally are more concerned about the number of bedroom and baths, the size of the rooms, the condition of the kitchen appliances and the age of the roof. Few people ever consider having the HVAC units inspected prior to purchasing a home in Plantation.

3 Reasons for Getting Your AC Air Ducts Cleaned

Nearly everyone in Pembroke Pines knows that the cost to replace an air conditioning unit can really hit their bank accounts hard. Considering the average lifespan of an HVAC system is only 10 years in South Florida, taking good care of the system is essential for making it run smoothly for a longer period of time.